Marriage around the World

In addition to the classic Las Vegas, Venice or Gretna Green, there are several exotic destinations in the world who are willing to celebrate your marriage on their territory.You find in this folder, a non-exhaustive list of many of these places, with details of French authorities on the spot, you will need for steps concerning the organization of your union.
The preliminary:
Note that as in France, marriage abroad of a French couple residing in France or abroad, requires the publication of banns is made in France before marriage, that marriage is recognized by the then French authorities ( "Transcript" to the French Embassy on site).
In fact, theoretically - and it is preferable to do so - the spouses French residing in France or abroad, will have at least 2 months before the scheduled date of marriage abroad, seized by mail Consulate or Embassy of France from countries where they should marriage, which will publish the banns.This will be done at the town hall instead of French home spouses. This period of two months is necessary to enable the processing of applications for publication and take account of postal delays and display (10 days in City Hall).No record of publication can be treated without respect these deadlines.
The post then send a requisition of publication "Mayor Consul or territorial jurisdiction.After expiry of the legal deadline, the council sends a "certificate of publication and not opposed to marriage" at the French Embassy.
These formalities are completed, a "certificate of marriage" is established and given to spouses so that they can prove their ability and their marital celibacy under our law.Interested parties should theoretically occur at the French Embassy to withdraw the certificate.After your marriage, spouses must travel to the French Embassy on the spot to transcribe their marriage to be validated in France (Transcript), which will be done without problem if the publication of banns in France has been performed and recorded (Transcript = Validating your marriage, by the Embassy to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, located in Nantes).
In summary, the publication of banns, which will therefore mainly the time you should wait to get married, you will get the certificate of publication and not opposed to marriage.Then, after your union, the transcript of your marriage to the embassy or consulate will allow you to validate your marriage in France and obtain a family book and certified copies of your marriage.40 days to 3 months is required to obtain such documents.
As to various documents to provide, here is what is indicated by default:
- A residence permit in order,
- A copy of the birth of each future husband (copy certified by the Municipality of birth, not older than 3 months, or less than 6 months it was granted to a department, a TOM or a consulate)
- A prenuptial certificate of less than 2 months (only if marriage in French consulate - Document to be completed by a doctor after medical examination (possibility to make the French consulate by a medical practitioner)),
- Photocopy of national identity cards or the French original certificate of French nationality,
- A proof of residence marriage (invoices, receipts or proof of residence issued by the municipality or registration certificate issued by the consulates)
- The (s) act (s) of birth of the child that you had (s) together before marriage
- A notary certificate, if you have entered into a contract of marriage: A marriage contract is not mandatory.However, if you marry abroad, it is preferable, before the ceremony, to obtain one. Indeed, a foreign matrimonial chosen at marriage is recognized under French law if the spouses establish their first residence in the country where the union is celebrated.Otherwise, if you return immediately to live in France, it is better to establish a marriage contract before the celebration, a notary French (or a consul on the spot).Otherwise, your return, your marital regime will be the joint property of acquisitions which will apply by default, without retroactive effect, and for two years at least (It is the French system by default, if applied no marriage contract).Thus, marriage transcript will be recognized in France, even in the marriage contract.
- Finally, some of these destinations require other documents (baptismal certificate or other religious documents, marriage certificate of parents, death certificate in case of widowhood, identity photographs, leave parents in case of non majority certificate adoption for adoptees, the entire file translated into the local language, ...).Learn more imperative to the French embassy there to know exactly all the procedures.
CAUTION: Some destinations consider that the majority is attained at the age of 21 years or 23 years.Moreover, for some of these countries, marriages can not take place every day (not on weekends or holidays for some), and certain periods in the year, sometimes long weeks or several months, are even forbidden to marry.Finally, for the following destinations, the future newlyweds will reside on the spot, according to the country, from 1 to 7 days, or even a few days more to unavailability of local authorities, before they could celebrate their marriage.
Examples of Destinations (non-exhaustive list - information provided by authorities in 2003):

Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo Embassy
Ambassador: His Excellency. M. Jean-Claude MOYRET
- Zone coloniale : Calle las Damas No. 42 - Colonial Zone
Tel: [1 809] 687 56 26
Fax: [1 809] 687 52 73
CARIBBEAN (Grenada, Saint Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda):
St. Lucia, Castries Embassy
Ambassador: His Excellency. M. Bernard VENZO Bernard VENZO
Adr. Ext. : Clarke Avenue - Vigie- Private GPO Box
Castries - Saint Lucia (WI)
Tel: [1] (758) 455 60 60
Fax: [1] (758) 452 78 99
Jamaica, Kingston Embassy
Ambassador: His Excellency.Mr. Pierre-Antoine BERNIARD
Adr. Ext. : 13,Hillcrest Avenue - Kingston 6
Tel: (1 876) 978 48 81/82
Fax: (1 876) 927 49 98
Thailand, Bangkok Embassy
Ambassador: His Excellency. M. Laurent AUBLIN Mr. Laurent Aublin
Adr. Ext. : 35 Custom House Lane - New road - Bangkok 10500
Tel: [66] (2) 266 82 50 54
Fax: [66] (2) 236 79 73
Australia, Canberra Embassy
Ambassador: His Excellency.Patrick Mr. HENAULT
Adr. Ext. :6 Perth Avenue Yarralumla ACT 2600
Tel: [61] (2) 621 601 00
Fax: [61] (2) 621 601 27
Web : URL:
Sydney, Consulate General
Consul General: Mr. Marc Finaud
Adr. Ext. :St. Martins Tower - 31 Market Street - Sydney NSW 2000
Tel: [612] 926 157 79 - 926 159 31
Fax: [612] 928 312 10
Mauritius, Port Louis Embassy
Ambassador: His Excellency. M. Henri VIGNAL Henri VIGNAL
Adr. Ext. :14 rue Saint-Georges
Tel: [230] 20 20 100
Fax: [230] 20 20 140
Cyprus, Nicosia Embassy
Ambassador: His Excellency.Mr. Jacques Depaigne
Adr. Ext. :6 Ploutarchou street - PO Box 1671 - Nicosia Engonomi
Tel: [357] (22) 77 99 10 (13)
Fax: [357] (22) 78 10 52
Greece, Athens Embassy
Ambassador: His Excellency. M. Jean-Maurice Ripert
Adr. Ext. :7 Leoforos Vassilissis Sofias
Athens 10,671
Tel: [30] 2 10 339 10 00
Fax: [30] 2 10 339 10 09
Consulate General Consul General: Mr. Roland BLATMANN
Adr. Ext. :8 rue Mackenzie King - 54,622 Salonika
31 Tel: [30] 2 31 024 40 30 / 31
Fax: [30] 2 31 024 40 32
Seychelles, Victoria Embassy
Ambassador: His Excellency. M. Claude FAY
Adr. Ext. :Victoria House - BP 478 - Victoria (Mahé)
Tel: [248] 38 25 00
Fax: [248] 38 25 10
Fiji, Suva Embassy
Ambassador: His Excellency. M.Jean Pierre VIDON
Adr. Ext. :Dominion House - Scott Street - 7th Floor
Tel: [679] 331 22 33
Fax: [679] 330 18 94
Sri Lanka, Colombo Embassy
Ambassador: His Excellency. Mme Marie-France Pagnier
Adr. Ext. : 89 Rosmead Place - PO Box 880 - Colombo 7
Tel: [94] (1) 69 97 50 (or 52) - 69 88 15
Fax: [94] (1) 69 90 39 - 67 73 74
Mexico City Embassy
Ambassador: His Excellency.Mr. Philippe Faure
Adr. Ext. :Campos Eliseos 339 - 11560 Mexico DF
Tel: [52] (55) 91 71 97 00
Fax: [52] (55) 91 71 97 03
Mexico, Consulate General
Consul General: Mr. Jean-Marie MARTINEL
Adr. Ext. :Rue La Fontaine 32 - CP 11560 - Mexico DF
Tel: [52] (55) 91 71 98 40
Fax: [52] (55) 91 71 98 56
New Zealand, Wellington Embassy
Ambassador: His Excellency. Mr. Jacky MUSNIER
Adr. Ext. :Rural Bank Building - 13th Floor - 34/42 Manners Street - PO Box 11-343
Tel: [64] (4) 384 25 55
Fax: [64] (4) 384 25 77
1 comment:
This is a very thorough step-by-step process that you have given here. It's so easy to understand. I may not be French but I can easily follow through the processes that you gave. Thank you for these information.
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